MAS Context

Bold Issue #29

MAS Context is a quarterly journal produced in Chicago that addresses issues that affect the urban context. Each issue delivers a comprehensive and critical view of a single topic through the active participation of people from different fields and different perspectives who, together, instigate the debate over urban issues that affect the way we live and design.

MAS Context shares remarkable design ideas and work with the public. It embraces collaboration, explores new formats of distribution, and thinks critically about the issues that affect how we live. Most importantly though, it works to generate a collaborative culture of design.

The Bold issue features eighteen projects that explore new possibilities for the city of Chicago. Generated by both emerging and established Chicago-based architects and designers, these projects rethink the future of the city. Ultimately, while these projects focus on the city of Chicago, the ideas behind their architectural and urban strategies can open up new areas of exploration. The projects featured in the issue were part of the exhibition BOLD: Alternative Scenarios for Chicago curated by Iker Gil and included in the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial.