Creative Destruction

The effect of capital markets comes with pain as well as gain—some people will benefit while others will be worse off. Evolutionary economics is used to describe the ever-changing landscape of capital markets. It can be seen as a sport, a battle, a survival of the fittest to stay economically relevant. This can be seen in economic news headlines: “Did Amazon Just Sound the Death Knell For Groupon?”. These kinds of headlines which use aggressive and destructive language resemble militaristic lingo which is also inherently destructive. Target Group, Price Surge, Downfall, Uprising, and Hostile Takeover are terms commonly used in economics and military slang.

The purpose of this project is to expose the close relationship between destructive language and economics. I would like to connect economics, graphic design, and the military under the umbrella term of creative destruction by weaving a multi-narrative in which these separate disciplines blend into each other. I would like to make the public aware of this phenomena to allow the viewers to understand the lexicon’s subtle use.